
Archive for January, 2011

Step It Up

The other day I was kid-free for a whole 45 minutes. That’s right for-tee-five minutos! What did I do you ask?

There was SO much I could have done. You know 45 minutes is a long time in mom-years. There was also the option of doing nothing. However, I wanted to do at least something. Moments like this are rare.

So I drove to the nearest coffee shop, grabbed a book I’ve been trying to finish for over a month, plopped my bee-hind on a cozy couch and just read. Yup. That’s it. And you know what? That was more than enough to juvenate me for the rest of the week.

All it took was a few minutes of me time to get me through the next few days. That my friends is one of the first simple steps towards a happy marriage.

#1. Own your own happiness. We’ve talked about this before. As women we always have so much on our plate, and yet we seem to remain hungry. Hungry in the sense of wanting more…more free time, more relaxing time, more sane time….whatever. Unless you take matters into your own hands and prioritize yourself first, you won’t reach happiness. Yes, in a marriage both partners should give, give, give to the other and take less less less. But it’s ok to take a break every now and then and catch your breath. Sigh. Go ahead. You should try it some time.

#2. Compliment more than complain. Believe it or not men like to be appreciated, noticed, and recognized as well. We might like the sweet compliments coming at us 24/7 but for men it’s not words that do the trick. It’s simple gestures and actions that show them we care about them. Instead of offering a list full of complaints, you simply give him gentle kisses and tell him how he means to you. By doing so, you might just end up forgetting what you wanted to complain about in the first place. 😉

#3. Spend time apart. Ever hear distance makes the hearts grow fonder? So true! This step can also be intertwined with #1. Nevertheless, at least once or twice a week, plan separate activities after work or on weekends. Too much of something is not good either. By being apart every now and then you can refresh your marriage.

#4. Flirt. No not with someone else….with your hubby! Find that charm and win over your man all over again. You can even try smiling…trust me…it works.

#5. Don’t go to bed angry. Ah my favorite. You avoid this and a huge chunk of your problems will be solved. I’ve discussed this in previous posts. Don’t bring your problems into bed with you. You will be cheating on your marriage then. Make the bed your safe haven and source of removing stress not adding it. You can thank me later…

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